Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Book Review: Solitude of Five Black Moons

Happy Holiday's Everyone!
Frances Shani Parker submitted the following reveiw of my new poetry book.

Book Review: Solitude of Five Black Moons 
Author: Aurora Harris
Book Reviewer: Frances Shani Parker, Author of Becoming Dead Right: A Hospice Volunteer in Urban Nursing Homes

Solitude of Five Black Moons by Aurora Harris takes readers on a poetic journey through four chapters of emotional highs and lows with stations of enlightenment along the way. Warming up with scenic routes, she explores lyrically pleasant memories in the first chapter titled We Speak the Same Language. Harris, a Black Filipina American, travels onward examining various societal injustices locally and globally. She honors her ancestors from Mississippi to the Philippines, particularly her mother, and ultimately women everywhere in Remember Their Stories, the second chapter.

The word ride progresses with Harris’ historical references portraying the universal as personal, stretching readers’ understanding and empathy for shared suffering and liberation, regardless of location or culture. The Checkpoints chapter speaks to racial discrimination in America, divided Israel and Palestine, and the importance of cohesive communities. When the Poets Became Jukeboxes laments younger so-called poets’ degrading and violent expressions embracing inhumane lifestyles. Harris explains how she changes them through her teachings. Finally, there is the jazz cooldown chapter where readers, well traveled now inside themselves and others, settle into sound satisfaction with A Circular Breathing of Sunrise.

Written with eloquence and sensitivity conveying the author’s profound passion and exemplary writing skills, Solitude of Five Black Moons inspires readers’ common survival on highest levels. Most of all, Aurora Harris’ poetry reminds readers that, no matter where life takes us, we all belong to one another. I highly recommend this literary gift.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Aurora Harris October 2011 Booksignings at Broadside Press and Source Books

Hello Everyone,

Thanks to everyone that attended the Broadside Press September 29th book signing at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History.  We had a wonderful presentation of Idlewild, MI photos, Dr. Gloria House read from "Home Sweet Sanctuary," the new oral history book of Idlewild, MI residents; and I read from my new book of poetry. Dr. House was accompanied by a cellist and I was accompanied by members of the In The Tradition band. We also had a Meet and Greet reception.

Our event was called: Celebrating 46 Years of Literature & Literacy with Detroit's Historic Broadside Press.

If you missed my opening book signing at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History, I will be reading from my new book of poetry "Solitude of Five Black Moons" on Sunday, October 16, 2011at the Broadside Press Poets' Theater, 3:00 p.m.  I will be the featured reader with a book signing and open mic to follow. The Broadside Press Poets' Theater will be held in the Grounds Coffee House which is located on the lower level of the Student Union, near the Livernois entrance to the campus. 

On Thursday, October 20th, I will be having another book signing at Source Books at 6:00 p.m. The bookstore is located on the corner of Cass and Willis, inside the Spiral Collective bldg. (The former Cobbs Corner), same block as Avalon Bakery.

Hope to see you there.


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Detroit Public Schools Special Olympics Update

I have just confirmed with a Special Olympics worker that the Detroit Public Schools will retain it's Special Olympics program.

The PDF information below concerns transition services for special needs adults age 20-26 in the State of Michigan and a link to a blog for developmentally disabled persons. Copy and paste links into a search engine to see or download the info:




Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Press Release: Aurora Harris' New Poetry Book

Contact: Dr. Gloria House:  gloriaaneb@aol.com
Aurora Harris: 313 673-6313 aurora917@gmail.com
Historic Broadside Press celebrated it's forty-sixth anniversary with the publication of a stellar book of poems by Aurora Harris, " Solitude of Five Black Moons."

Ms Harris is a popular award-winning poet, recording artist, former coach of several of Detroit's poetry slam poets, and community activist. She will debut her collection of poems that address the most critical issues if our time. 

Her poems are drawn from a foundation of identity, history, and culture that includes family, women's lives, jazz, Detroit culture, and travel. Be sure to attend one of her readings and book signings at one of the following venues:

September 1: Southfield Public Library's Poetry, Pages & Scribes on 26300 Evergreen Southfield ,MI

Sept 9, Ms Harris will be hosting the reading for Ron Allen. 7-9 pm, Thistle Coffee House. 4445 Second Avenue, Detroit

Sept 29, Charles H. Wright Museum 6:00 pm, on 301 East Warren Ave off John R.,Detroit

Ms Harris holds an M.A in Social Foundations of Education from Eastern Michigan University and a B.A in Sociology from Wayne State University. "Solitude of Five Black Moons" is Ms Harris' first full length manuscript collaboratively published by Broadside Press and University of Detroit-Mercy Press. Her poems have appeared in Brooding The Heartlands: Poets of the Midwest; Drum Voices Review; Abandon Automobile; Poet In The House; Tilting the Continent: Southeast Asian American Writing; New Working Class Studies; Educational Studies: a journal of the American Educational Studies Association;  and Michigan Feminist Studies. The recorded version of "Yurugu" is found on the CD "The Tradition Continues" by In The Tradition Jazz Band (2009). 

To schedule readings, contact Aurora Harris at 313 673-6313 aurora917@gmail.com

Monday, August 1, 2011

Broadside Press Writers' Retreat Aug 18-20, 2011

Hi Everyone, my new book is out!
Here is the schedule for the Broadside Press Writers' Retreat:


In 1921, DuBois spoke of Idlewild in the NAACP Crisis:

For sheer physical beauty, for sheen of water and golden air, for nobleness of tree and flower shrub, for shining river and song of bird and the low moving whisper of sun, moon, and star, it is the beautifulest stretch I have seen for twenty years; and then add to that fellowship—sweet strong women and keen-witted men from Canada and Texas, California and New York, Missouri and Illinois—all sons and great-grandchildren of Ethiopia all with the wide leisure of rest and play, can you imagine a more marvelous thing than Idlewild.

You are cordially invited to attend the third Broadside Press Writers’ Retreat in Idlewild, Michigan, the third week in August from Thursday, noon, until Saturday evening for some rewarding sessions of readings, book signings, discussions, fellowship and camaraderie among and with fellow writers and friends.

For several years, Broadside Press has been involved in the community revitalization efforts of this nationally designated historic area, popularly known as “Black Eden.” It is a cultural landmark, having served as a recreational, social, and intellectual retreat for W.E.B. Dubois, Madame C.J. Walker, Charles Chestnut, Zora Neale Hurston, Robert Williams, Louis Armstrong, Dr. Daniel Hale Williams, Joe Louis, Langston Hughes, and many others…

2012 will mark the centennial anniversary of Idlewild. Broadside Press intends to join with in the world wide recognition and celebration of this incredible historic landscape. You are welcome to help us plan for next year’s Centennial celebration while participating in this year’s writers’ retreat.

Broadside Press will mark its 47th year anniversary in concert with the Idlewild Centennial celebration in 2012. Your VOICE is welcome as we pay respect to those whose contributions helped shape and re-shape the cultural fabric of this nation and the world. Our retreat will nurture the creativity and expression of writers who will contribute similarly for the generations to come.

Please fill out the form below. The retreat registration fee of $35.00 does not include travel and housing arrangements. The retreat will be held at the Henrietta Summer Senior Center. 723 E. Lansing St. (231) 745-4011.

Conference Rules & Safety
As a condition of attending the conference, attendees must agree with all terms and conditions and be aware that the conference will take place in a natural wooded environment where wildlife is present; if an attendee chooses to leave the immediate supervised area while in Idlewild, Broadside Press will be not be liable for any injury and/or loss sustained. It is strongly recommended that attendees wear comfortable clothing and shoes (not sandals) and bring a carry-on chair for sitting outdoors.

Idlewild Writers & Poets Conference Registration Form
(Mail Completed Form to BROADSIDE PRESS, PO Box 02011, Detroit, MI 48202 Attn: Idlewild Conference)
Name_____________________________ Phone_____________________________
Emergency Contact Phone:________________________________________________

Conference fee for three days is $35.00

Highlights of the retreat include: Poetry / Writing workshops and feedback; August 18th Registration; August 19th- Aurora Harris will read and sign her new book of poetry Solitude of Five Black Moons; August 20th- Dr. Gloria House will read and sign Home Sweet Home: Idlewild Families Celebrate a Century; Al Ward will facilitate a session to generate ideas for the 2012 Idlewild Centennial Celebration.

Retreat Schedule: On Aug 18 & 19 workshops and meals will be at the Henrietta Senior Center.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
12:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m. : Registration at the Henrietta Summer Senior Center 723 E. Lansing 231 745-4011
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. : Welcoming Reception
8:00 p.m. -10:00 p.m. Open Mic
Friday, August 19, 2011
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.: Broadside Press Institute of Cultural Studies Writing and Discussion
12:00 p.m. -1:30 p.m.: Idlewild Historical Tour and Lunch at Williams Island
1:30 p.m. -2:30 p.m.: Broadside Press Institute of Cultural Studies Open Forum
2:30 p.m. -5:00 p.m.: Presentation by Poets and Feed back or Personal Time
5:00 p.m. -6:00 p.m.: Aurora Harris Reading and Book signing of Solitude of Five Black Moons at the Henrietta Summer Senior Center 723 E. Lansing St 231 745-4011
6:00 p.m. -7:00 p.m: Dinner
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.: Reading of BSP Institute Writings
Saturday, August 20, 2011
8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m: Continental Breakfast
10:00 a.m- 12:00 p.m.: Facilitator: Al Ward. Generate ideas for Centennial.
12:00 p.m.:- 12:30 p.m.: Lunch
12:30 p.m.-2:00 p.m.: Poetry Workshop
2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.: Idlewild Writers Presentation
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.: Dr. Gloria House Reading and Book signing of Home Sweet Home: Idlewild Families Celebrate a Century at Morton’s Motel 6389 Tacoma Drive 231-745-2611
5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.: Dinner. Outdoor Bar-B-Que
7:00 p.m.:- 9:00 p.m.: Open Mic Poetry


Morton’s Motel 231 745-7773 6389 Tacoma Drive
Paradise Lake Motel 6534 TAMPA P.O. Box 374 IDLEWILD, MICHIGAN. We are located in the historic city of Idlewild, in the tranquil splendor of the Manistee Forest. For reservations call 231.745.9695 or 734.752.3208 Single Room $55 Suite $85 * Open May thru November.
Afi's Heart Lodging Idlewild (313) 938-6018
Holiday House Idlewild (231) 745-3431 or (231) 750-2479
Idlewild Resort Motel Idlewild (313) 862-3150
Jane Grant: Idlewild (313) 372-4279
KYLES' ACRES: Idlewild [231] 745-3991
Williams Court Idlewild (231) 745-7546
AREA ACCOMMODATIONS for Idlewild and Lake County:
Afi's Heart Lodging Idlewild (313) 938-6018
Alpine Motel (231) 745-2875
Aunt Kate's Place (231) 745-8846
Baldwin Creek (231) 745-4401
Big Star Lake Trailer & RV Resort (231) 898-2458
Blueberry Patch Motel (231) 898-6036
Bucks Court Resort (231) 773-4965
Burger's Hideaway (231) 898-3589
Cloud 9 Cabins (231) 745-3070
Day Star Motel (231) 745-2111
Dream Catcher Motel (231) 745-4779
GFK Enterprises, Inc. (231) 745-7745
Grant's Resort (231) 266-5679
Holiday House Idlewild (231) 745-3431 or (231) 750-2479
Idlewild Resort Motel Idlewild (313) 862-3150
Additional information for accommodation by day or week for rooms or houses, contact Idlewild Chamber of commerce 231-745-4742. www.iaacc.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Broadside Press education panel and poetry July 16 At UD-Mercy

Saturday July 16 from 12-2pm, we will have a panel discussion re
Education in Detroit, EMU involvement in EAS; analysis of Broadside
poetry and writing. U of D Mercy Commerce and Finance Bldg rm 238.
Panelists include Chris Rutherford- President of Broadside Press, EMU
MA student; Aurora Harris, MA EMU; Activists Chris White and Sandra
Hines, and others. Please Spread The Word And Support!

Calling all writers, educators, activists, academics, and community
Creating Effective Schools in America - Today, Tomorrow and Beyond-
What we must demand


Time: 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m. Theme: The New Education Millennium -
Making it Work for Everyone

Workshops will cover a historical, political, social and economic
review of the struggle for quality education in Detroit and America.
We will examine Broadside Legacy Authors, and their writings on
education, as well as discover the works of education activist from
around the world. The workshops will serve as a basis to develop an
activist approach for civic literacy and engagement in the design of
schools in America.

The Sessions will include
- A community panel discussion, and EMU doctoral student response to
the EM laws -
-  "Struggle Wisdom" understanding struggles past and present.
- Writing for Change - How to engage struggle through words

Instructors: Dr. Gloria Aneb House, Albert M. Ward, Christopher
Rutherford, Aurora Harris, members from the community.

* Explore the works of internationally renowned writers and Educators
as they address the social, political and spiritual realities of
public schools and poor communities.

* Reflect intensely on your own experiences in light of these writings

* Leave with tools for change

All Saturday workshops are held at University of Detroit-Mercy

corner of Livernois and McNichols in Detroit, MI in the


·Unemployed and H.S. with school Id free

· Enrolled college students $10.00 per session discounted

· Professionals: $20.00 per session

Please make Checks and Money Orders payable to Broadside Press.

Broadside Press P.O. Box 2011 Detroit, MI 48202

* If the McNichols Entrance is closed, enter at Livernois entrance and
drive around to the Commerce and Finance Building on North side of
campus near the McNichols entrance.

Classes are in the Commerce and Finance Bldg Room CF 238

Time: 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m.

Saturday, July 9: Orientation, intro, and first session.

July 16: 2nd Workshop Session July 23: 3rd Workshop Session

July 30: Last Session
Broadside Press is a nonprofit (501(c)(3) tax exempt) organization. If
you would like to support any of our youth programming, please make
your tax deductible donation today.

Questions? Contact Aurora Harris  @ 313.673.6313 aurora917@gmail.com
Who's invited?
Select Guests

    Anyone can view and RSVP (public even

Aurora Harris, M.A. Social Foundations of Education, B.A. Sociology
Published Poet, Educator, Special Ed Advocate, Independent Scholar and
Board Member of Detroit's Broadside Press. http://broadsidepress.org/
http://www.library.umass.edu/spcoll/ead/mums571.htm  (for archived info)
Producer and Reporter for Encode Entertainment, LLC.
313 673-6313