Sunday, July 11, 2010

Jazz: July 11 -Why I Love and Write About Jazz Part. 3. Charmaine Clamor

Sunday July 11, 2010 10:00 a.m.

Last week, I wrote about why I started listening to jazz, collecting jazz, and documenting jazz in my poetry. I also posted jazz videos of some of the people I listen to. As a continuation of that blog, I am posting a video by Charmaine Clamor, a Filipina jazz singer who has done a tremendous job of promoting Filipino songs and jazz in the Philippines and the US. The video below is one of my favorites.

For students and teachers: On Standards of Beauty and Low self esteem of women of color-

In the bilingual video, Ms Clamor not only sings beautifully but she also makes a statement that is important to the self esteem of Filipina women and girls... a historical and cultural statement that challenges what is considered beautiful and ugly...the notion that having white skin or having white features is "better" than being born with brown skin or flat nose. She gives a brief history of the 500 year colonization of the Philippines by Spain.

My Funny Brown Pinay (sung to the tune of My Funny Valentine) Sung in English and Tagalog.

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